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Arbitrium was founded to generate impact with behaviourally-plausible solutions.

This means moving past definitions of "homo economicus" in aggregate-level solutions by personalising choices.

Arbitrium develops fit-for-purpose solutions pulling from a range of disciplines, including:

  • Choice Modelling to quantify people’s preferences;

  • Market Research to enrich data collection measurements and approaches;

  • Social Psychology to identify psychological and contextual variables influencing individual preferences;

  • Microeconomics to translate insights from individuals to populations;

  • Behavioural Economics to generate human-centred outcomes.

Find out more about how we can provide solutions to your application below!


About the founder

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Relevant Experience


Oxford Economics
Lead Choice Modelling Consultant

Institute for Choice
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
(Applied Social Policy)



Ph.D. Marketing and related studies
(Choice Modelling)
University of South Australia, Institute for Choice (2015)

M.Phil. Marketing Strategy
(Consumer Psychology)
Universidade Federal do Paraná (2008)

B.A. Business Administration
Universidade Federal do Alagoas (2006)


(Click on images for full testimonials)